COVID-19 and Bull City Classrooms

Starting in August, Bull City Classrooms will begin scheduling new events with Durham Public Elementary Schools. Currently, DPS intends to begin the school year with 9 weeks of virtual learning. During this time, we are looking to help prepare classrooms, which have sat untouched since March, for the safe return of in-person instruction.

We at Bull City Classrooms are dedicated to supporting teachers during this uncertain time, and we are equally dedicated to the health of our volunteers, DPS partners, and greater Durham community. In this vein, our events will look different for the foreseeable future.

  • We will no longer be convening before, after, or during volunteer events. Instead, upon arrival, volunteers will immediately be shown to a classroom where a staff member will provide instructions on the day’s project.

  • The total number of volunteers will be strictly capped.

  • Face coverings will be required to enter the building, and must be worn over the mouth and nose for the duration of the volunteer event. We will have a small number of disposable masks available, but please try to bring your own!

  • We won’t be providing donuts and coffee (But definitely go support a local coffeeshop before/after volunteering).

  • Anyone who is experiencing any symptoms (Click here) should not attend a Bull City Classrooms event